We found a suggested route to the small towns on the Tarn River west of Cahors, so off we went.
Nice countryside, eh? This is taken from the patio of a quite expensive hotel.Laurie likes the chair and bench in the vegetable garden, all the better to watch the garden grow.Roses on an old grave; nice.
I’ve mentioned that we like bridges; here’s an old suspension bridge across the Tarn River.
This café seemed to be closed permanently and I think maybe we could buy it and re-open it. Laurie disagrees.Decorations from a wedding the previous day. I think most churches in France look like this Sunday morning, as Saturday afternoon is the big day for weddings.Many churches have modern stained glass windows. We think they're beautiful.Jeanne d'Arc. Almost every church has some reference or statue of her.An old door in an old church.
See, nothing very special on this amble around the countryside. But we had a very nice day and ended it with a late lunch at this beautiful restaurant. It was located in a tiny village, and was one of the best lunches we’ve ever had. It was also one of the most expensive lunches, but what the heck: we’re in France where Sunday lunches are actually dinners, and we sat outdoors and had a fine time.